Music 4 Zintrick
Ryo Sakazaki
12 participants
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Re: Music 4 Zintrick
I have uploaded for you something to look at. This plays the stored tracker data of Zintrick for the tunes I have been able to identify against the original CD audio tracks. This is and altered Z80 data from the CD version that I looked at for a couple of hours.
Pasted below from the included readme fine.
This ROM is modified to allow the playing of music in M ROM (tracker) instead of triggering CD audio.
Because samples are missing in the V ROMs audio is not complete. Be aware not all audio tracks have
been corrected due to being unable to confirm which tracks are which due to missing samples. See Below.
CD track number
02 -> tracker number 0x05 done
03 -> tracker number 0x04 done
04 -> tracker number 0x06 done
05 -> not done
06 -> tracker number 0x22 done
07 -> not done
08 -> not done
09 -> tracker number 0x10 done
10 -> not done
11 -> not done
12 -> not done
13 -> not done
14 -> not done
15 -> tracker number 0x08 done
16 -> tracker number 0x09 done
17 -> tracker number 0x0A done
18 -> not done
19 -> tracker number 0x11 done
20 -> tracker number 0x20 done
21 -> tracker number 0x21 done
22 -> tracker number 0x23 done
23 -> not done
Apart from music issues there are also other issues in the M ROM, read below.
This ROM only changes music data, there are still issues with character voices being incorrect due to
the CD version of the game loading samples over themselves inside the systems memory. With some effort
and patience this can be fixed by enlarging the V rOM and adjusting sample start and end offsets.
Pasted below from the included readme fine.
This ROM is modified to allow the playing of music in M ROM (tracker) instead of triggering CD audio.
Because samples are missing in the V ROMs audio is not complete. Be aware not all audio tracks have
been corrected due to being unable to confirm which tracks are which due to missing samples. See Below.
CD track number
02 -> tracker number 0x05 done
03 -> tracker number 0x04 done
04 -> tracker number 0x06 done
05 -> not done
06 -> tracker number 0x22 done
07 -> not done
08 -> not done
09 -> tracker number 0x10 done
10 -> not done
11 -> not done
12 -> not done
13 -> not done
14 -> not done
15 -> tracker number 0x08 done
16 -> tracker number 0x09 done
17 -> tracker number 0x0A done
18 -> not done
19 -> tracker number 0x11 done
20 -> tracker number 0x20 done
21 -> tracker number 0x21 done
22 -> tracker number 0x23 done
23 -> not done
Apart from music issues there are also other issues in the M ROM, read below.
This ROM only changes music data, there are still issues with character voices being incorrect due to
the CD version of the game loading samples over themselves inside the systems memory. With some effort
and patience this can be fixed by enlarging the V rOM and adjusting sample start and end offsets.
Dernière édition par Razoola le Lun 14 Sep 2015 - 18:25, édité 1 fois
Razoola- Nouvelle recrue
- Messages : 2
Date d'inscription : 14/09/2015
Re: Music 4 Zintrick
Gogo !
If i can be of any help / si je peux faire quoi que ce soit, hésitez pas à demander !
Good to see such a prestigious host in here. Hi raz, ty for having a look into this. Hope it will eventually make something happen.
If i can be of any help / si je peux faire quoi que ce soit, hésitez pas à demander !
Good to see such a prestigious host in here. Hi raz, ty for having a look into this. Hope it will eventually make something happen.
Re: Music 4 Zintrick
zouzzz a écrit:( j'ai récupéré le fichier maldoror68 ).
ou ça ? ou ça ?
upload moi ça. je veux comprendre comment il à fait pour les offsets
mon dieu razoola himself !
it's christmas !
maldoror68- 1000 Mega Shock
- Système(s) : MVS,arcade,,F3,MD,32x,MCD,SAT
Messages : 3398
Date d'inscription : 09/07/2012
Age : 42
Localisation : Mulhouse
Re: Music 4 Zintrick
DTC !maldoror68 a écrit:zouzzz a écrit:( j'ai récupéré le fichier maldoror68 ).
ou ça ? ou ça ?
Je te MP.
Re: Music 4 Zintrick
I think I can now confirm that the tracker data for some tracks was removed (for whatever reason) before the data was compiled in the CD version.. The missing tracks are;
05 - stage clear
07 - round start
08 - last stage
10 - subberg ending
12 - continue
14 - score ranking
18 - staff roll
23 - kaireen ending
05 - stage clear
07 - round start
08 - last stage
10 - subberg ending
12 - continue
14 - score ranking
18 - staff roll
23 - kaireen ending
Razoola- Nouvelle recrue
- Messages : 2
Date d'inscription : 14/09/2015
Re: Music 4 Zintrick
Razoola, thanks very much for your help about Zintrick it's cool and i hope Zintrick will be have his music soon but don't forget to make your presentation also if many people know you.
Administrateur sur Neo-Geo System
Je réalise des converts AES/MVS, programmation d'eproms, bios, etc...
Ryo Sakazaki- Admin
- Système(s) : AES Jap, MVS MV-2F
Messages : 16709
Date d'inscription : 15/10/2011
Age : 49
Localisation : Dept 91
Re: Music 4 Zintrick
wrong, i was totally wrong. it's so simple to match the track as Razoola did.
just need to match the offsets
you made me laugh with this video Raz (love the camera movement )
going back to work
just need to match the offsets
you made me laugh with this video Raz (love the camera movement )
going back to work
maldoror68- 1000 Mega Shock
- Système(s) : MVS,arcade,,F3,MD,32x,MCD,SAT
Messages : 3398
Date d'inscription : 09/07/2012
Age : 42
Localisation : Mulhouse
Re: Music 4 Zintrick
I've had a go at getting the testrom music that was dropbox'd into the original v1 rom and playing in game.
Initial results here:
Music's only playing in the title page at the moment; so plenty still to do, but hopefully of some interest.
If there's anyone on the thread who knows their way around the Zintrick sound driver code it would be great to talk
In particular, I'd like to identify where the CD audio tricks are being invoked so that I can try and reroute code to play the appropriate v1 rom sample track.
I've had a go at getting the testrom music that was dropbox'd into the original v1 rom and playing in game.
Initial results here:
Music's only playing in the title page at the moment; so plenty still to do, but hopefully of some interest.
If there's anyone on the thread who knows their way around the Zintrick sound driver code it would be great to talk
In particular, I'd like to identify where the CD audio tricks are being invoked so that I can try and reroute code to play the appropriate v1 rom sample track.
groovycigarello- Nouvelle recrue
- Messages : 24
Date d'inscription : 21/10/2015
Re: Music 4 Zintrick
Hello, thanks for your help but don't forget to make your presentation please.
Administrateur sur Neo-Geo System
Je réalise des converts AES/MVS, programmation d'eproms, bios, etc...
Ryo Sakazaki- Admin
- Système(s) : AES Jap, MVS MV-2F
Messages : 16709
Date d'inscription : 15/10/2011
Age : 49
Localisation : Dept 91
Re: Music 4 Zintrick
yes, I'm a 40-something video game developer/collector from the UK. I've only recently discovered this project and -together with the CrossedSwords2 project - have found it inspiring that people are going to such efforts to get new titles across to the ROM hardware. I've not owned a Neo CD console, nor am likely to, so the chance to play this title in as close-to-intended form on AES/MVS is very appealing.
I'm happy to help/support in whatever way I can
yes, I'm a 40-something video game developer/collector from the UK. I've only recently discovered this project and -together with the CrossedSwords2 project - have found it inspiring that people are going to such efforts to get new titles across to the ROM hardware. I've not owned a Neo CD console, nor am likely to, so the chance to play this title in as close-to-intended form on AES/MVS is very appealing.
I'm happy to help/support in whatever way I can
groovycigarello- Nouvelle recrue
- Messages : 24
Date d'inscription : 21/10/2015
Re: Music 4 Zintrick
Nice pres, i'm quite appealed by this project myself.
You might want to post your presentation here :
Wich is the place for it. Nouveau membres : new members
This been said, hope you guys work something out
You might want to post your presentation here :
Wich is the place for it. Nouveau membres : new members
This been said, hope you guys work something out
Re: Music 4 Zintrick
Pour ne pas tomber dans l'oublie.
Administrateur sur Neo-Geo System
Je réalise des converts AES/MVS, programmation d'eproms, bios, etc...
Ryo Sakazaki- Admin
- Système(s) : AES Jap, MVS MV-2F
Messages : 16709
Date d'inscription : 15/10/2011
Age : 49
Localisation : Dept 91
Re: Music 4 Zintrick
Sorry for the lack of updates; it's a really busy time at work, so I've had little chance to look at further.
Hoping to get some time over Xmas to clean things up and hopefully start making some headway on those todo items.
If there's anyone on the thread who's familiar with the ADK sound driver code, give me a shout. There are still a couple of technical questions I'd love to resolve.
Also, as mentioned, I'm using the converted ADPCMB that I located in the "zintrick convertion project MAIN\test" folder of the dropbox'd (is that a verb? I guess it can be !) fileset. I've yet to revisit, but if someone is able to raise the volume level of those samples, I'd love to retry and see if we can improve the balance of music in that mix (as you can probably tell from the video,it's a little low in comparison to the foley fx currently.)
Out of interest: Does anyone know whether all the original CD tracks were converted to that v1 rom or just a few? (If the latter, which ones are missing?)
Hoping to get some time over Xmas to clean things up and hopefully start making some headway on those todo items.
If there's anyone on the thread who's familiar with the ADK sound driver code, give me a shout. There are still a couple of technical questions I'd love to resolve.
Also, as mentioned, I'm using the converted ADPCMB that I located in the "zintrick convertion project MAIN\test" folder of the dropbox'd (is that a verb? I guess it can be !) fileset. I've yet to revisit, but if someone is able to raise the volume level of those samples, I'd love to retry and see if we can improve the balance of music in that mix (as you can probably tell from the video,it's a little low in comparison to the foley fx currently.)
Out of interest: Does anyone know whether all the original CD tracks were converted to that v1 rom or just a few? (If the latter, which ones are missing?)
groovycigarello- Nouvelle recrue
- Messages : 24
Date d'inscription : 21/10/2015
Re: Music 4 Zintrick
groovycigarello, please make your présentation here:
You must make this before to post, Thanks.
You must make this before to post, Thanks.
Administrateur sur Neo-Geo System
Je réalise des converts AES/MVS, programmation d'eproms, bios, etc...
Ryo Sakazaki- Admin
- Système(s) : AES Jap, MVS MV-2F
Messages : 16709
Date d'inscription : 15/10/2011
Age : 49
Localisation : Dept 91
Re: Music 4 Zintrick
ça peut être utile je pense :
@Ryo : Si on me demande, je déplacerais ce post dans wip. Un avis les autres ?
@Ryo : Si on me demande, je déplacerais ce post dans wip. Un avis les autres ?
Re: Music 4 Zintrick
Merci Mathieu4D, j'espère que cela va faire avancer la chose.
Je vais y jeter un coup d'oeil ce soir.
Je vais y jeter un coup d'oeil ce soir.
Administrateur sur Neo-Geo System
Je réalise des converts AES/MVS, programmation d'eproms, bios, etc...
Ryo Sakazaki- Admin
- Système(s) : AES Jap, MVS MV-2F
Messages : 16709
Date d'inscription : 15/10/2011
Age : 49
Localisation : Dept 91
Re: Music 4 Zintrick
Ca avance pas mal!!
De mon côté je viens de test de créer la M1 et les Vx, avec le tools de jeff kurtz, NeoSoundBuilder.
J'arrive a ajouter les bruitages et musiques (pour ces dernières je me suis aidé de la vidéo de raz pour savoir ou les placer). Mais il y a un bug avec 2 track/Bruitages 00E3 et 00E8 énormément de sons/voix à la suite, ça ce lance après l'intro et ce relance par moment.
Je pense que le problème viens du faites qu'il n'y a pas de départ et de fin pour chaque son/voix.
Maldoror68, y aurait il moyen de savoir comment trouver les offset, je galère toujours pour finir mon hack puzzle crazy ou si tu peu me partager les fichiers que raz a upload .
Dernière édition par elrayzeur le Sam 28 Nov 2015 - 11:02, édité 1 fois
elrayzeur- Combo maker
- Système(s) : AES
Messages : 733
Date d'inscription : 28/11/2014
Age : 41
Localisation : Royan
Re: Music 4 Zintrick
elrayzeur, il faut faire ta présentation avant de poster d'autres messages stp.
Administrateur sur Neo-Geo System
Je réalise des converts AES/MVS, programmation d'eproms, bios, etc...
Ryo Sakazaki- Admin
- Système(s) : AES Jap, MVS MV-2F
Messages : 16709
Date d'inscription : 15/10/2011
Age : 49
Localisation : Dept 91
Re: Music 4 Zintrick
Désolé Ryo Sakazaki, j'en avais fais une mais elle n'est pas passé (j'avais pas fais gaffe au 10 à 25 caractère pour le titre). J viens de la refaire
elrayzeur- Combo maker
- Système(s) : AES
Messages : 733
Date d'inscription : 28/11/2014
Age : 41
Localisation : Royan
Re: Music 4 Zintrick
elrayzeur a écrit:Désolé Ryo Sakazaki, j'en avais fais une mais elle n'est pas passé (j'avais pas fais gaffe au 10 à 25 caractère pour le titre). J viens de la refaire
pas de soucis, sinon tu peux ouvrir aussi un topic pour parler de ton travail sur ta version de Puzzle Bobble, car j'avais suivi son évolution.
Administrateur sur Neo-Geo System
Je réalise des converts AES/MVS, programmation d'eproms, bios, etc...
Ryo Sakazaki- Admin
- Système(s) : AES Jap, MVS MV-2F
Messages : 16709
Date d'inscription : 15/10/2011
Age : 49
Localisation : Dept 91
Re: Music 4 Zintrick
I think I've now located the music track selection in the z80 m1 driver (long night with mame debugger )
I will try and find time over my Xmas break to progress this (my next step is to get the music playing in intro screens and within the I know where the music's triggered, I might have a chance !)
If there's anyone else working on this project, maybe we can talk
Apologies as always for my lack of French skills and the auto translation from English
Je pense que j'ai maintenant localisé la sélection de voie de musique dans le conducteur de z80 m1 (longue nuit avec le débogueur de mame : petit pain : )
J'essayerai et trouverai l'heure au-dessus de ma coupure de Noël de progresser ceci (ma prochaine étape est d'obtenir la musique jouant dans des écrans d'introduction et dans le jeu. .now je sais où la musique déclenchée, je pourrait avoir une occasion !)
S'il y a n'importe qui d'autre qui travaille sur ce projet, peut-être nous pouvons parler
Excuses en tant que toujours pour mon manque de qualifications françaises et la traduction automatique de l'anglais
I think I've now located the music track selection in the z80 m1 driver (long night with mame debugger )
I will try and find time over my Xmas break to progress this (my next step is to get the music playing in intro screens and within the I know where the music's triggered, I might have a chance !)
If there's anyone else working on this project, maybe we can talk
Apologies as always for my lack of French skills and the auto translation from English
Je pense que j'ai maintenant localisé la sélection de voie de musique dans le conducteur de z80 m1 (longue nuit avec le débogueur de mame : petit pain : )
J'essayerai et trouverai l'heure au-dessus de ma coupure de Noël de progresser ceci (ma prochaine étape est d'obtenir la musique jouant dans des écrans d'introduction et dans le jeu. .now je sais où la musique déclenchée, je pourrait avoir une occasion !)
S'il y a n'importe qui d'autre qui travaille sur ce projet, peut-être nous pouvons parler
Excuses en tant que toujours pour mon manque de qualifications françaises et la traduction automatique de l'anglais
groovycigarello- Nouvelle recrue
- Messages : 24
Date d'inscription : 21/10/2015
Re: Music 4 Zintrick
Yes it's a good new.
Administrateur sur Neo-Geo System
Je réalise des converts AES/MVS, programmation d'eproms, bios, etc...
Ryo Sakazaki- Admin
- Système(s) : AES Jap, MVS MV-2F
Messages : 16709
Date d'inscription : 15/10/2011
Age : 49
Localisation : Dept 91
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