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SAMSHOVX (Xbox English) Hack

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SAMSHOVX (Xbox English) Hack Empty SAMSHOVX (Xbox English) Hack

Message  NeoCverA Dim 23 Aoû 2020 - 7:05

I was just wondering if it is a known and unfixed glitch during Yoshitora Tokugawa story - that there are graphic glitches during the 3rd encounter during initial story.

SAMSHOVX (Xbox English) Hack Img_3710
SAMSHOVX (Xbox English) Hack Img_3712
SAMSHOVX (Xbox English) Hack Img_3713
Then it goes back to normal
SAMSHOVX (Xbox English) Hack Img_3714

Just wondering if anyone knows if this was fixed?

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Messages : 35
Date d'inscription : 26/07/2020

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