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Identifying an Atomik reproduction

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Identifying an Atomik reproduction Empty Identifying an Atomik reproduction

Message  RagingAvatar Mer 16 Aoû 2023 - 11:05


I'm looking at some games on eBay and I'm trying to determine whether they're high quality Atomik repros or not.

Is there anything I should look for to identify Atomik games? I know later releases have the sticker on the back I have SamSho V Perfect and Garou MOTW Perfect myself.

Thanks for your help!

Nouvelle recrue
Nouvelle recrue

Système(s) : Neo Geo AES
Messages : 36
Date d'inscription : 02/08/2021
Age : 43
Localisation : Leamington Spa, England

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Identifying an Atomik reproduction Empty Re: Identifying an Atomik reproduction

Message  Soultribes Mer 16 Aoû 2023 - 12:38

RagingAvatar a écrit:Hello!

I'm looking at some games on eBay and I'm trying to determine whether they're high quality Atomik repros or not.

Is there anything I should look for to identify Atomik games? I know later releases have the sticker on the back I have SamSho V Perfect and Garou MOTW Perfect myself.

Thanks for your help!

Atomik made a lot of NCI products, if i've got good memory, a listing is available on the forum for his release. All NCI doesn't have sticker on the back (old one i'm think).

Maybe Atomik can answer that Wink
Combo maker
Combo maker

Système(s) : Beaucoup d'après ma femme :)
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Date d'inscription : 27/04/2021
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