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Hello! Thanks for the warm welcome!

Joe l'indien
7 participants

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Hello! Thanks for the warm welcome! Empty Hello! Thanks for the warm welcome!

Message  RagingAvatar Mer 4 Aoû 2021 - 21:06

Hello everyone!

First of all, I think it's very charming that every member is encouraged to write a post here - it's really nice:)

My first memory of Neo Geo is from the local snooker/pool clubs, and fish & chip shops in the 80s, here in England.
We used to have 4 slots everywhere. I remember being with my Dad picking up dinner from a local restaurant and being mesmerized by the sound and sights of the arcade.

There was a rumor that a local boy at our school had a Neo Geo AES. He was very rich and everyone spoke about it with envious voices. I didn't play an AES myself for about 20 years after that.

My next experience with Neo Geo was the Pocket Color. In London, it was quite well stocked at HMV. I bought a blue camouflage unit and a ton of games like Pac-man, King of Fighters R2, Sonic Pocket Adventure and my favourite Pocket game, the wonderful Match of the Millennium.

At some point, I misplaced my Pocket and was devastated but quickly replaced it with a silver unit. I then found the original camouflage one and gave it my girlfriend. She wasn't my girlfriend forever and sadly, I never saw that camouflage Pocket again!! Mistakes were made!

When I went to university, I managed to buy myself an arcade cabinet to keep in my room so that I could play Super Street Fighter 2.
At this point, the arcade bug bit me and I bought a brand new MVS 1-C, KOF 94 MVS, a brand new KOF 2002 MVS kit, Rage of the Dragons kit and a Hyper Neo 64 with Samurai Shodown 64 Warrior's Rage.
Later I sold all this stuff and it's something I look back on with fond memories and a lot of regret. I wish I had never sold this Rage of the Dragons kit especially. (And the Hyper 64, I thought it was a lot of fun.)

Fast forward, almost 20 years and I still have this silver NGPC and Match of the Millennium (as well as the rather nice official carry case NGPC!) but that's it from my Neo Geo collection.

I started playing Samurai Shodown 2019 on my Xbox Series X recently and my son loves it. He always asked me to play it and this kind of inspired me to start looking at what is happening in the Neo Geo scene at the moment.

Right now, I'm thinking of picking up one of the Samurai Spirits Zero Perfect repros Atomik/NCI (repro doesn't seem to fit really fit in this situation..) and an AES.
Seems a little crazy to start on AES now but I think if I don't get Atomik's SSZ Perfect now, it will never happen.
Also thinking about getting Garou MOTW from Atomik - the artwork is lovely.

Anyway, that's it from me.
I'm starting out again, I'm English, I work as a game developer and I enjoy playing fighting games on my old Sony BVM. <3

Thanks for being friendly guys!

Nouvelle recrue
Nouvelle recrue

Système(s) : Neo Geo AES
Messages : 36
Date d'inscription : 02/08/2021
Age : 43
Localisation : Leamington Spa, England

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Hello! Thanks for the warm welcome! Empty Re: Hello! Thanks for the warm welcome!

Message  YaYaLanD Mer 4 Aoû 2021 - 21:13

Hello mate and welcome on board cheers

Just to say so you won’t be disappointed, Atomik has closed the sales for Garou and SamSho and will not be producing them anymore. The next release is a Metal Slug Repro I love you

1000 Mega Shock
1000 Mega Shock

Système(s) : MVS MV-1
Messages : 6605
Date d'inscription : 10/10/2019
Age : 47
Localisation : Dijon

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Hello! Thanks for the warm welcome! Empty Re: Hello! Thanks for the warm welcome!

Message  Invité Mer 4 Aoû 2021 - 21:15

Welcome. Very Happy


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Hello! Thanks for the warm welcome! Empty Re: Hello! Thanks for the warm welcome!

Message  Joe l'indien Mer 4 Aoû 2021 - 23:07

Joe l'indien
Joe l'indien
1000 Mega Shock
1000 Mega Shock

Système(s) : Aes
Messages : 3678
Date d'inscription : 05/05/2020
Localisation : Belgique

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Hello! Thanks for the warm welcome! Empty Re: Hello! Thanks for the warm welcome!

Message  3615 ELTA Jeu 5 Aoû 2021 - 10:14

Hello RagingAvatar,

Welcome on board. You were lucky in the UK to have access to so many video games systems. I remember that HMV had many console back then. It is there that I spotted the Jaguar for the first time.
Wish you good luck for your quest of AES and games.
3615 ELTA
3615 ELTA
Combo maker
Combo maker

Système(s) : AES, pocket, mini, PS2, PS4
Messages : 841
Date d'inscription : 02/10/2019
Localisation : Genève

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Hello! Thanks for the warm welcome! Empty Re: Hello! Thanks for the warm welcome!

Message  Scouse8 Jeu 5 Aoû 2021 - 21:00

Hello and welcome!
Combo maker
Combo maker

Messages : 940
Date d'inscription : 11/12/2019
Age : 45
Localisation : Montpellier

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Hello! Thanks for the warm welcome! Empty Re: Hello! Thanks for the warm welcome!

Message  cyril0108 Dim 8 Aoû 2021 - 21:44

Welcome guy to this community. Very friendly and keep to help you whatever your requests... on the Neo Geo.
Adepte du stick
Adepte du stick

Système(s) : AES, PS1,PS2, PS3, DC, GC, N64
Messages : 283
Date d'inscription : 03/12/2013
Age : 46

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Hello! Thanks for the warm welcome! Empty Re: Hello! Thanks for the warm welcome!

Message  Ryo Sakazaki Dim 8 Aoû 2021 - 21:49

Hello RagingAvatar. Wink

You are welcome in the french community of NeoGeo.

You can speak in english it's not a problem for us. Cool

Hello! Thanks for the warm welcome! 449214ryo2
Hello! Thanks for the warm welcome! 894779697231userbar

Administrateur sur Neo-Geo System

Je réalise des converts AES/MVS, programmation d'eproms, bios, etc...
Ryo Sakazaki
Ryo Sakazaki

Système(s) : AES Jap, MVS MV-2F
Messages : 16702
Date d'inscription : 15/10/2011
Age : 49
Localisation : Dept 91

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Hello! Thanks for the warm welcome! Empty Re: Hello! Thanks for the warm welcome!

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