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Time's Up!

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Time's Up! Empty Time's Up!

Message  alex2005 Ven 7 Aoû 2020 - 12:22

I have this game on NeoGeo CD and wondering if it does exist an official AES release?
If so does anyone know if the author is still reachable/known in the scene?
Thank you!
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Messages : 86
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2020

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Time's Up! Empty Re: Time's Up!

Message  Invité Ven 7 Aoû 2020 - 12:37

Hi Alex, how are you ?

Yes, I read there was an official MVS & AES release years ago.

Original post :  pirat


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Time's Up! Empty Re: Time's Up!

Message  Mathieu4d Ven 7 Aoû 2020 - 13:22

Yes there is an official aes and mvs release.
The authors are reachable on neogeo fans (another French forum), however they are not much active anymore.

More info here (French)

1000 Mega Shock
1000 Mega Shock

Système(s) : aes eu
Messages : 3455
Date d'inscription : 20/01/2015

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Time's Up! Empty Re: Time's Up!

Message  alex2005 Sam 8 Aoû 2020 - 13:17

oh, thanks guys, good to hear that! I'm getting a lot of interesting french sites that I did not know they exist Smile
It seems finding the aes release is mission impossible. I was lucky enough to get the CD release instead not too long ago Smile
I'm also looking for Neo Thunder and Jockey Grand Prix but they're all gone in AES No
Gosh, the collectors' road has never been easy Very Happy
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Messages : 86
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2020

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Time's Up! Empty Re: Time's Up!

Message  Mathieu4d Sam 8 Aoû 2020 - 14:18

alex2005 a écrit:oh, thanks guys, good to hear that! I'm getting a lot of interesting french sites that I did not know they exist Smile
It seems finding the aes release is mission impossible. I was lucky enough to get the CD release instead not too long ago Smile
I'm also looking for Neo Thunder and Jockey Grand Prix but they're all gone in AES  No
Gosh, the collectors' road has never been easy Very Happy

Indeed, but the part of the road you are taking require talking to people. Not so much throwing money at people.
It's a nicer road full of niceties Smile
1000 Mega Shock
1000 Mega Shock

Système(s) : aes eu
Messages : 3455
Date d'inscription : 20/01/2015

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Time's Up! Empty Re: Time's Up!

Message  alex2005 Jeu 13 Aoû 2020 - 14:38

Mathieu4d a écrit:
alex2005 a écrit:oh, thanks guys, good to hear that! I'm getting a lot of interesting french sites that I did not know they exist Smile
It seems finding the aes release is mission impossible. I was lucky enough to get the CD release instead not too long ago Smile
I'm also looking for Neo Thunder and Jockey Grand Prix but they're all gone in AES  No
Gosh, the collectors' road has never been easy Very Happy

Indeed, but the part of the road you are taking require talking to people. Not so much throwing money at people.
It's a nicer road full of niceties Smile

exactly. i dont have the money to start with, so i go talk first Very Happy
its like going through the Lost Ark affraid
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Messages : 86
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2020

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Time's Up! Empty Re: Time's Up!

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