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Freeware Sega Ringedge2 Multigame

9 participants

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Freeware Sega Ringedge2 Multigame  Empty Freeware Sega Ringedge2 Multigame

Message  Niko Dim 2 Aoû 2020 - 18:32

Freeware Sega Ringedge2 Multigame  TsvNlQkl

I figured I would start my Freeware Ringedge2 Multigame thread here since the official thread over on arcade-projects was removed. You might have seen this multigame shared on other parts of the internet or even for sale in some places.  No

if you have any questions, or want to talk about it. Lets do so here.

I started working on this multi last year in my free time. I got it to a point were its stable and works as expected. Though its not as feature rich as the my Freeware X2 multi, this will mature in time.

Current Features and Benefits
- Works with any Ringedge2 system ( no matter what the original game was. )
- No need for card readers
- No need for keychip.
- Only need a single drive
- Will work with off the shelf retail HDD/SSD
- Autoboot ( the system can autoboot directly into a game bypassing the menu. )
- Supports 480p/720p
- Menu themes
- Game videos


Supported Drives:

Adding games:

Drive locking instructions:

Drive unlocking instructions:

Dernière édition par Niko le Mar 4 Aoû 2020 - 3:48, édité 2 fois
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Messages : 41
Date d'inscription : 28/06/2020

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Freeware Sega Ringedge2 Multigame  Empty Re: Freeware Sega Ringedge2 Multigame

Message  enidz Dim 2 Aoû 2020 - 23:38

Hi Niko,

I'm waiting my ringedge2 and a pny 120go ssd to start my RE2 multi ! (delivery in progress)

I also managed to flash my 7900GS with your freedos image (also waiting for the TTX2 and the 256 ssd)

thx for your work man !
Adepte du stick
Adepte du stick

Messages : 124
Date d'inscription : 23/12/2015

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Freeware Sega Ringedge2 Multigame  Empty Re: Freeware Sega Ringedge2 Multigame

Message  YaYaLanD Lun 3 Aoû 2020 - 6:49

This is absolutely fantastic super
Thanks for your work super

I’m summoning Ryo and Onels4 as for the magnet link mrgreen

Are you going to publish a similar thread for TTX2 ?
1000 Mega Shock
1000 Mega Shock

Système(s) : MVS MV-1
Messages : 6605
Date d'inscription : 10/10/2019
Age : 47
Localisation : Dijon

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Freeware Sega Ringedge2 Multigame  Empty Re: Freeware Sega Ringedge2 Multigame

Message  poup Lun 3 Aoû 2020 - 8:44

Very nice to see you and your work here.
cheers cheers cheers
1000 Mega Shock
1000 Mega Shock

Système(s) : AES, MVS et CDZ
Messages : 3150
Date d'inscription : 08/04/2015
Age : 46
Localisation : 37

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Freeware Sega Ringedge2 Multigame  Empty Re: Freeware Sega Ringedge2 Multigame

Message  Invité Lun 3 Aoû 2020 - 9:55

Topic pinned.

Thanks for sharing this here. Smile


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Freeware Sega Ringedge2 Multigame  Empty Re: Freeware Sega Ringedge2 Multigame

Message  Niko Lun 3 Aoû 2020 - 22:30

YaYaLanD a écrit:This is absolutely fantastic super
Thanks for your work super

I’m summoning Ryo and Onels4 as for the magnet link mrgreen

Are you going to publish a similar thread for TTX2 ?

Thanks guys!

Yep I will be creating a thread for the Freeware X2 Multi as well.
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Messages : 41
Date d'inscription : 28/06/2020

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Freeware Sega Ringedge2 Multigame  Empty Re: Freeware Sega Ringedge2 Multigame

Message  nic034 Lun 3 Aoû 2020 - 23:35

Great great work !
Really amazing thanks a lot !
1000 Mega Shock
1000 Mega Shock

Messages : 2834
Date d'inscription : 03/01/2016
Age : 45
Localisation : Montpellier

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Freeware Sega Ringedge2 Multigame  Empty Re: Freeware Sega Ringedge2 Multigame

Message  achrafus Mar 19 Sep 2023 - 19:30

I tired to get image using torrent but no way; i think that tracker is dead or no active peers .
Any one could help & share this image please? Smile

Thanks a lot

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Système(s) : Neo geo AES/MVS - Astro City
Messages : 37
Date d'inscription : 03/08/2019
Localisation : Val deMarne (Arcueil 94110)

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Freeware Sega Ringedge2 Multigame  Empty Re: Freeware Sega Ringedge2 Multigame

Message  Niko Dim 24 Sep 2023 - 22:11

achrafus a écrit:hi,
I tired to get image using torrent but no way;  i think that tracker is dead or no active peers .
Any one could help & share this image please? Smile

Thanks a lot

I just sent you a MP Smile
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Messages : 41
Date d'inscription : 28/06/2020

DTAR aime ce message

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Freeware Sega Ringedge2 Multigame  Empty Re: Freeware Sega Ringedge2 Multigame

Message  xer0510 Ven 3 Nov 2023 - 14:33

Hey, seems like the torrent is still dead. can you help me out with a link?

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Messages : 3
Date d'inscription : 03/11/2023

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Freeware Sega Ringedge2 Multigame  Empty Re: Freeware Sega Ringedge2 Multigame

Message  santashiva Ven 3 Nov 2023 - 14:46

xer0510 a écrit:Hey, seems like the torrent is still dead. can you help me out with a link?

Il y a un tuto ici
1000 Mega Shock
1000 Mega Shock

Système(s) : Arcades
Messages : 1265
Date d'inscription : 11/08/2021
Age : 47
Localisation : Lille

xer0510 aime ce message

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Freeware Sega Ringedge2 Multigame  Empty Re: Freeware Sega Ringedge2 Multigame

Message  xer0510 Ven 3 Nov 2023 - 18:28

i dont need tutorial i need the .img. the torrent is dead there Crying or Very sad

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Messages : 3
Date d'inscription : 03/11/2023

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Freeware Sega Ringedge2 Multigame  Empty Re: Freeware Sega Ringedge2 Multigame

Message  santashiva Ven 3 Nov 2023 - 21:37

xer0510 a écrit:i dont need tutorial i need the .img. the torrent is dead there Crying or Very sad

Maybe you need to present yourself there ( )   before asking 🤔
1000 Mega Shock
1000 Mega Shock

Système(s) : Arcades
Messages : 1265
Date d'inscription : 11/08/2021
Age : 47
Localisation : Lille

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Freeware Sega Ringedge2 Multigame  Empty Re: Freeware Sega Ringedge2 Multigame

Message  DTAR Sam 9 Déc 2023 - 19:41

is there any active torrent links for the RE2Multi?

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Messages : 1
Date d'inscription : 09/12/2023

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Freeware Sega Ringedge2 Multigame  Empty Re: Freeware Sega Ringedge2 Multigame

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