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[Blazing Star] Stage Select and minor tweaks

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[Blazing Star] Stage Select and minor tweaks Empty [Blazing Star] Stage Select and minor tweaks

Message  Clearpaper Ven 31 Juil 2020 - 19:23

Enabling the Stage Select code was too much hassle so I made it default.

Along the way, I made other minor changes.
1. Level Select - adjusted alignment and colour
2. Stage Select - enabled by default, changed text, adjusted alignment and colour
3. Ending text - changed text to make it less painful to read

Level Select before:
[Blazing Star] Stage Select and minor tweaks 239-p111

Level Select after:
[Blazing Star] Stage Select and minor tweaks 239-p116

Might be imperceptible, but the font colours are all different. Kept within the same original palette.

Stage Select before:
[Blazing Star] Stage Select and minor tweaks 239-p112

Stage Select after:
[Blazing Star] Stage Select and minor tweaks 239-p113

Changed the colours too. Took the liberty to change "CRIFF" to "CLIFF".

Ending text before:
[Blazing Star] Stage Select and minor tweaks 239-p114

Ending text after:
[Blazing Star] Stage Select and minor tweaks 239-p115

And as much as Engrish is good for a laugh, a whole paragraph is a bit too much for me.


NeoSD neo file

Dernière édition par Clearpaper le Lun 3 Aoû 2020 - 12:29, édité 1 fois (Raison : IPS executable throwing up a virus warning, replaced with IPS patch)

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Date d'inscription : 19/06/2020

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[Blazing Star] Stage Select and minor tweaks Empty Re: [Blazing Star] Stage Select and minor tweaks

Message  YaYaLanD Ven 31 Juil 2020 - 19:30

Wow you did an excellent job mate !
Did you also patch other games or is the only one ?

Thank you very much for sharing with us I love you
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[Blazing Star] Stage Select and minor tweaks Empty Re: [Blazing Star] Stage Select and minor tweaks

Message  elrayzeur Ven 31 Juil 2020 - 19:57

Great work, it's much more readable super
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[Blazing Star] Stage Select and minor tweaks Empty Re: [Blazing Star] Stage Select and minor tweaks

Message  Clearpaper Ven 31 Juil 2020 - 19:57

Cheers! My pleasure!

Yes, I do simple mods on other games too. Will post one on Pulstar I did a few weeks back.

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Date d'inscription : 19/06/2020

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[Blazing Star] Stage Select and minor tweaks Empty Re: [Blazing Star] Stage Select and minor tweaks

Message  Invité Ven 31 Juil 2020 - 21:25

Tanks for sharing this here, very nice work.! super


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[Blazing Star] Stage Select and minor tweaks Empty Re: [Blazing Star] Stage Select and minor tweaks

Message  pandoff Ven 31 Juil 2020 - 22:45

Very nice ! Smile
On which rom is based the patch file ? (mame version xyz ? fba version x.y.z ?)
1000 Mega Shock
1000 Mega Shock

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[Blazing Star] Stage Select and minor tweaks Empty Re: [Blazing Star] Stage Select and minor tweaks

Message  Clearpaper Ven 31 Juil 2020 - 23:27

I think there's only one default ROM out? In any case, I put the CRC for it in the IPS patch.

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Date d'inscription : 19/06/2020

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[Blazing Star] Stage Select and minor tweaks Empty Re: [Blazing Star] Stage Select and minor tweaks

Message  pandoff Sam 1 Aoû 2020 - 8:53

Oh yes you're right, between mame & fba, they have the same CRC despite having different filenames (inside the zip files) Smile
1000 Mega Shock
1000 Mega Shock

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Date d'inscription : 16/06/2012

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[Blazing Star] Stage Select and minor tweaks Empty Re: [Blazing Star] Stage Select and minor tweaks

Message  NeoCverA Dim 2 Aoû 2020 - 1:22

Is this something that would normally be done via UNIBIOS? How would one extract the individual files from a .neo file?
I'd like to try it out on the Arcade Stick Pro.

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Date d'inscription : 26/07/2020

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[Blazing Star] Stage Select and minor tweaks Empty Re: [Blazing Star] Stage Select and minor tweaks

Message  Clearpaper Dim 2 Aoû 2020 - 7:21

For the Stage Select, I don't recall seeing any writing to memory so I think it's unlikely. For the other changes, not possible.

Run the IPS patch executable, there are simple instructions and CRC check for confirmation.

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Date d'inscription : 19/06/2020

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[Blazing Star] Stage Select and minor tweaks Empty Re: [Blazing Star] Stage Select and minor tweaks

Message  LeGil Dim 2 Aoû 2020 - 10:25

Excellent work and great improvement ! I am currently working on scoring this game with a friend, we will really enjoy such a feature.
1000 Mega Shock
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[Blazing Star] Stage Select and minor tweaks Empty Re: [Blazing Star] Stage Select and minor tweaks

Message  NeoCverA Dim 2 Aoû 2020 - 19:14

Clearpaper a écrit:For the Stage Select, I don't recall seeing any writing to memory so I think it's unlikely. For the other changes, not possible.

Run the IPS patch executable, there are simple instructions and CRC check for confirmation.

I have a Mac. Sad, I guess I could have a buddy try to do it for me.

Second = the link to the patcher is not working = gives a warning about it being a dangerous file (not my mac).
"Dangerous File Blocked

The file you attempted to download was determined to be dangerous. For your protection, MediaFire does not enable distribution of dangerous files."

I was able to download the Pulstar link but I don't need that since I was able to just fix the p rom with a hex editor.

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Date d'inscription : 26/07/2020

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[Blazing Star] Stage Select and minor tweaks Empty Re: [Blazing Star] Stage Select and minor tweaks

Message  Clearpaper Lun 3 Aoû 2020 - 12:31

Thanks for highlighting that, I've replaced it with a IPS patch instead of a direct IPS executable.

PMed you on another forum. I don't seem to have PM privileges here just yet.

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Date d'inscription : 19/06/2020

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[Blazing Star] Stage Select and minor tweaks Empty Re: [Blazing Star] Stage Select and minor tweaks

Message  NeoCverA Mar 4 Aoû 2020 - 20:52

This is cool also! I never knew that this game even had a stage select code! Now it's ALWAYS ON!

[Blazing Star] Stage Select and minor tweaks Img_3610
[Blazing Star] Stage Select and minor tweaks Img_3611

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Date d'inscription : 26/07/2020

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[Blazing Star] Stage Select and minor tweaks Empty Re: [Blazing Star] Stage Select and minor tweaks

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